*~ Cooky-Joan ~*

*~ Cooky-Joan ~* ™ ¥~ There's more than meets the eye ~¥

Friday, August 15, 2008

Months later!!!! LOL!!!

What happened to me? Haha! Well... First cuatrimester of university DONEEEE! Soooo happy! :D

Now, happier than ever! Got new subjects that I really like, and actually LOVEEEE! It's nice to study things that you love! Anddd! Back to learning English!!! 3 days a week, 2 hours per day! It's nice, I've met some people. Well, in these 5 months here in Córdoba I've met lots and LOTS of people! And really nice people by the way! It's sooo cool!!! Of course I never forget the friends I've got in Paraguay, they're are irreplaceable! The summer will be so great when we all meet!!!

That's so far what I can say! The pics are from last saturday! Haha, with my university classmates!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Kareshi Kanojo: KAREKANO

Un Anime demasiado bueno y divertido!!!! El manga tb por supuesto es bueno tambien!!! Lastimosamente el anime solo llego hasta el tomo 08 del manga. El manga contiene 21 tomos! No se desarrollaron mas animes por problemas entre la autora y los directores del anime. La autora deseaba que la serie se apegara al manga, mientras los directores querian que fuese mas de comedia cuando en realidad es mas drama. Q LASTIMA!!! Bueno, disfruten de todos modos los capitulos disponibles, estan TODOS en Youtube y doblados al espanhol!

El manga lo pueden bajar en este foro: http://www.mcanime.net/foro/viewtopic.php?p=984889