*~ Cooky-Joan ~*

*~ Cooky-Joan ~* ™ ¥~ There's more than meets the eye ~¥

Monday, February 20, 2006

Lalala... 2nd Week I guess...

(Seems like I'm fairly feeling fine, we could say happy, dunno!)

2nd Week then... So, guess what we started with...: MORE RULES! Last year we had this sort of "Seats Map" where they indicated the places of each student in class... And they couldn't sort it out BUT FOR ANY OTHER DAY BUT TODAY! Unbelieveable... after so many sort of suprises this year, the word "unbelieveable" doesn't fit my soul anymore, I mean.. soul's saying too much.. I actually meant it doesn't fit my vocabulary 'cause it seems to have no more effect...! So, well... It was a nice day... Oh! I didn't finish to tell about the seating.. So, the changes were sort of subtle generally.. but some sort of drastic maybe... just a couple of ppl that used to seat in the back was put on the front... and guess what! our group, in particular Dg, Nh & I were intact... I think the only group.. In the same place, but only one row forward, and the other part of our group: Di just seats right behind me, with Dy and Sh so.. everything's great, and Jl is front of Nh... and Mk in front of me, in the front-inside Pbl. oH! And my newbie pinkie friend was put one the back! : / Hmm.. I think is sort of unfair for her, in general for newbies! 'Cause the teachers don't know the newbies, therefore, shouldn't just randomly assign stuff!!! OH! BTw, I now at least have the change of seating in the outside part.. I used to look like a downed-girl-of-the-corner, very funny actually.. I found it... hehe. Well, I was hoping some more drastic change.. actually I was feeling it nice to seat with the dudes, but of course! no offenses I love that I was put in the place I'm now! I have as neighboor a lot more ppl than last year, oh, and plus, I'm not that far from the dudes, actually Bb came today to do accounting... So, definetely I got a handy place...

So, I think classes were ok today... Ah! I actually went over to the CCPA to find out about the Eng. courses, the moment I mentioned the words "Santa Tere" and with T. Maite, she just said that I should take the ubicationt test.. ha, so... any weekday, till 4pm... I dunno... Maybe I'll go tomorrow, but I think I should review [ yeah, right... I just say it but don't really do it] But, now it's.. like.. really! if I don't wanna be stuck in a review course for some time.. Besides, I think tomorrow and the next day I get out at 1.20 and DUNNO what time I'll arrive home.. 'cause have to confer with my bro's schedule... So, I wanna go in the day I get out at 11.20! [pretty early.. woo hoo.. only 1 day!] And that will be on Thursday.. hehe.. I know I'll feel like going to the test this days then.. but I will then.. AT LEAST review once.. Eheheh! I really have promised like A LOT of times to review some stuff.. like when we're getting near the exams.. but I ALWAYS do it last minute.. hehe... But really, this time, really! REALLY! At least once... besides I think I'll just review what I've got from the Anglo [summer course of Jan.] So, if I really don't achieve this review I'm mortally lazy.. [yes! mortally] hehe, 'cause I really am still with sooo much free time.. Today I spend almost the whole afternoon with another mania/obsession... [Yeah! I think I'm like a kid, with temporary manias every now and then] You see last week it was music, this week's Orkut silly communities... it's just sort of funny the kind of groups there are... there are original, funny.. just everything! But I bet it's just a one day mania... c'mon! I already got 61 communities.. eheheh... Well, I know ppl that got more than 100! So.. don't look weird to me!

Getting more rambling... *Sighs* It's the 2nd time this summer I'm asked the same lame... well, not lame but I qualify it as "random" question: 'Have you ever been in love?' ha.. and it naturally was Dg, ha... I already know his attitude, as always, 'cause he sits in my group. Well, I answered as the last time that I was asked [which was just in the Eng. course] I just said "I dunno" even through all the ppl that really knows me, KNOWS that I use 'I don't know' in A HUNDRED MILLION contexts.. hehe. That's all I'll say, don't push [*cough* Daph!] So, talking about the summer.. *s* I just found out [chatting with some ppl] that in As. almost everyone started school just today! huh! I knew it.. Alm said it was going to be earlier, but well, they started today.. btw, she didn't pass 2 subjects... gosh.. so weird of her! well, this stupid reform also! But well, Sb also started today.. and well, I called him as I said.. and well, in the afternoon he was sleeping.. gosh.. he's the most 'stupidly unreacheable' friend I got [i.e. he's always unable for some lame reason!] So, his little sis answered and told me to call like at 7 or 7.30. So well, I then went to arrange some school stuff [hey! hooray for me! I actually arrange some stuff and prepared for tomorrow, besides, early! Double horrays then!] So... after I finished that.. went surfing.. and found the ppl, that's why got the recent info. Oh! Also talk to Rz, dude from the Anglo, nice dude actually... hehe, gave him the url, but I don't think he will visit... but anyways.. I'll again give him the link in the mail, cause we agree in sending mails.. hehe, I actually promised to send a mail about some funny narration about someone we both know.. hehe, actually summer crazy stuff.. you all ppl sort of understand, right? hehe.. Well, cool then! It's nice to keep in touch with ppl... SO! BACK TO THE CALLING SUBJ! Then I actually called at 7.40 'cause to be sure, u know.. so... no one was answering actually...! then.. 3rd trial...or more.. and goshh! his Dad picked up the phone! and gosh.... this is a large story.. but I'll summarize.. the thing's that Sb told him that I was travelling to Tw, that I didn't live in Py anymore, that I went to live there.. etc, well, he made this whole story up just for nothing! I actually almost killed him.. he just invented it so that he could have more 'capital' in the time I was summering in As... So, his Dad picked up.. and actually recognized my voice! So, he asked me.. I had to say that my flight was delay.. that i had more time.. etc.. but i told him that yeah, I was at CDE.. then.. he was sooo nice.. and told me Sb was shopping for his school outfits, and ACTUALLY wrote down my phone... ! and told that Sb will call. I was actually surpise 'cause Sb has phone problems, cause it's always block 'cause his Dad has some sort of plan so that they don't have a "PHONE BILL" meaning a large one... 'cause he uses it nonstop and also his bro uses it nonstop.. So.. you see... Well, the thing's that I think he will call tomorrow.. I think.. 'cause I had to tell his father that I was gonna be around for 3 more days..! Hehe, I really need to set up this whole subject with Sb, 'cause if this "Dad picking up the phone issue" happens again... We'll be definetely busted!!!

Ok.. it's getting late.. So, I can just say.. tomorrow will be another day.. btw, I love the subtle drizzle, mizzle... la sutil llovizna.. new vocab. for me and also new phrase invention.. hehe.

So, really gotta go! Just a random pic, not really random, but NO TIME to explain!
Well, have a great day/week!



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