*~ Cooky-Joan ~*

*~ Cooky-Joan ~* ™ ¥~ There's more than meets the eye ~¥

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Shocking-Shocking Day...

Yuck, Yuck, YUCK!!!

A hem! Hello audience... Well, this "abstract" picture sort of describes my main feeling of today... Well.. It's not "Yuck!" but It's sort of complicated... I interpretated it as a disordered group of corelated things... it had sort of a black-thingy-tittle../ Soo it's definetely like a chain of things, looks like black ink added to a nice and calm first drawing... Ok.. enough about the paint interpretation... Don't worry readers, I'm not always that deep about these interpretations.. but I didn't say that I'm not deep... so Beware of INTENSE STUFF INTERPRETER... Hehe.. no worries ppl who hate that, cause I'll put a warning before I start rambling intensely...!

So... let's get back to the subject... Well, shocking-shocking day... I'll be using my "Clearifying Method" that my friend Daph already knows about and I think it’s good because it keeps me from rambling so much. So let’s go:

*~ The Most Important first is to explain why I tittled this day as a Truly Shocking Day… Well, before sort of explaining… I have to say sth important first: I promised in the “Turning Over a New Leaf” post that I’ll express myself here… BUT I also said that some stuff was going to be kept for myself because of naturally privacy/personal reasons… So, yes, as u might all be forseeing I’ll just sort of narrate about what actually happened to me today…

*~ So, I can summarize this Shocking Day by the following rambling “Cooky-Joan-codified thoughts”: How can someone be sooo… what was the word? Hmm… I know! How can someone be soo daring… I mean.. MORE than daring… like venturesome as to unreveal her/imself to someone s/he barely knows!!! I think this person really, I mean REALLY doesn’t have a clue of what life is…. OMG… I can’t believe this… haha… if I actually relate the clear story, ppl may say that It was cause I have bad companies… but that’s not the case… And if I haven’t talk about this with the person…. Well, it’s not my fault!!! It was the person’s decision not mine! And… Well, what happened, happened… Of course it won’t affect me or us… but I’m just very shocked because it happened…! And when I reacted the way I did the person was like… OMG, what? As if what s/he was doing was soo natural… OMG! And I think I’m the first of the “kind” he reveals to… Cause I asked if Vero knew about it… and he as always… as he’s attitude often doesn’t reply things… And of course I’ve deducted she didin’t cause they don’t talk much this year…and ‘cause IT is temporal… But I’ll verify tomorrow if Vero knows about it… of course I won’t ask Vero… it would be the freakiest thing I’ll ever do in my life! I’ll directly ask the person since we talk straight at each other… Well, my only worry is that the person’s brother aka his twin which is also my friend doesn’t find out I know or that his friendo also doesn’t cause that’ll put me in a very, very embarrassing and pitiful… and maybe also “hory” situation.. YES! To the point of having THAT kind of situation… I think I should also talk to the person so that the incident frozes geographically… meaning stays closed.

*~ BTW! For the ones of u that think I’m talking about some snogging or love stuff, cause it’s SO NOT about it.. I mean… It was a WAY more uncomfty situation… I think normal ppl don’t go through this or bump in front of this situation not even ONCE IN A LIFETIME…. Maybe it’s KARMA! I have to redeem for sth of a previous life.. or maybe even of my current life… anyways..!

*~ So… I bet most of u readers will say that I’ll eventually tell the story i.e. post it here… But sorry to disappoint u but NO… a BIG NO WAYY! Cause this is really content that shouldn’t be in any and I mean… ANY kind of blog, this narration shouldn’t even be narrated commonly and LESS spared by the INTERNET! Firm decision!

*~ But It doesn’t means I’ll never tell it to any of u my friends! (if any of u r reading) But this is a difficult to talk about subject… I’m afraid I won’t even be able to tell U my Daph… and u are one of my best real friends! The thing is… of course we all need to let a thing out of our hearts… but this… is not just out of my heart… is like impregnated in my soul and waiting for the time and courage to tell my dearest friends… Ok.. enough rambling.. the thing is then that I WILL TELL.. but ONLY on REAL CHAT… it means to my dearest friends… like when I meet u guys at AS… and etc… It’s a really strong thing to talk about… so I really need to tell it on a personal face to face encounter with my friends… *sighs*

*~ However, let’s just change subjects… So… 4th day of school… I haven’t written much about it yet… Anyways, promise I’ll make a “General Summary” of this school week and post it by tomorrow I think.. or maybe Sat. Anyways, it’ll be by the weekend… so that u can have some extra fun this weekend or sth to have serious pitty for… lol.

Hmm… again.. I’ve made a considerably large post.. and again I’ll promise not to repeat this length of post… Really! C’mon… give me a break! It’s just my 2nd post..!

So… Have a good weekend readers!! ‘Cause weekends actually start on Thurs., I KNOW… so don’t argue with me… I’ll explain this later I guess…





Anonymous Anonymous said...

1 - How can someone likes Physics and not History??? :-0
2 - Isn't Literature just fascinating? I think you learn a lot about people's habits and emotions and even character by literature; but remember, lit is a companion of history. They have to walk together to make sense;
3 - Haha, so you know the meaning of "piriguete" and "patricinha"? Well, neither of them are good adjectives, hehe. I even joined a community at orkut called "I hate piriguetes". Have you ever heard of a Brazilian brand of jeans called "Gang"? Well, this is piriguete's jeans, never try it, hehe.

February 19, 2006 1:15 AM  
Blogger *~ Cooky-Joan ~* said...

First! I didn't say that I don't like HISTORY, the subject. I said that I HATE the way that they do it AT THIS SCHOOL!!! If u were in my shoes, u'll understand... And the idea is taking time to develop.. sorry! but I dunno when it's meant to..

February 19, 2006 4:01 PM  
Blogger *~ Cooky-Joan ~* said...

Oh! btw, the words... patricinha, guess who told me that I was like that... ahem.. Well, i was told that it's just like being trendy... like in the Legally Blonde movie girl.. Aha! LIKE YOU WHO LOVES PINK.. lol. Well, the piriguete I found it actually ON UR Orkut Communities! hehe... I learn from u after all..! So... I haven't heard about that brand.. but anyways, if I found it, I'll never USE... But.. could u tell me the exact meaning of the Word.. I sort of started getting the meaning.. means ppl that use like tight clothes, etc. right?

February 19, 2006 4:04 PM  

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