*~ Cooky-Joan ~*

*~ Cooky-Joan ~* ™ ¥~ There's more than meets the eye ~¥

Friday, February 17, 2006

Finally FRYYYYY DAY!!!!

Aha... Aha!

FINALLY TGF (Thank God is Friday!)... I was sort of starting to feel that familiar schooltime exhaustment today...! The thing's that yesterday slept sort of at midnight or after midnight... and the night before... i can't even tell the time... But the day before I'd taken a 3 hours nap.. so I think that's the reason..

Well, so... the picture really reflects the day, doesn't it? Well, so this is for me sort of a short post then. Since I wanna sleep already.. Weird.. cause I always stay up till late cause.. C'MON! weekends!!! and in Schooltime! soo tempting... but... *sighs* this summer really changed me... Ok.. the thing's that I've got plenty to do tomorrow... counting also the School Summary I promised.. will be up tomorrow! I have to also go find out the Eng. Institute.

Well, to the point! I wrote FRY Day.. cause I think it was a very hot day... gosh! Besides we had P.E. first thing in the morning! we didn't actually do anything.. but.. I think psychologically it made me feel more exhausted for the rest of the day...

Oh! BTW... guess what ppl! First Friday of this term.. and I end up staying till 13pm at school BEING A TUTOR!! Omg! well... I actually made up my mind to accept that position this year cause it'll have it's benefits in subjects like Physics.. BUT GUESSS WHATTT! Today I just made it for free... I mean.. for kindness... anyways, still feeling yuck for yesterday.. evidently cause it will be there the rest of the year...! At least I found out Vero was also affected by the incident... and I don't feel as a victim anymore. hehe... Oh! BTW, teaching "Accounting" haha.. the thing's that the boy failed and had to test last week but didn't.. so had to today. Well, I could get out of school at 11.30 but I stayed till 1 pm.. *Deep breath* my first good action maybe... well, karma should help me then!

Ok... I'm really exhausted. I think this was a average post... not that short as I thought it would.. but ... I'm trying anyways.. right?

Ok.. enjoy ur sweet weekend!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Joan! I very much enjoyed your weblog, girl. It's very interesting as you seem to be. And smart too! Anyway, have a nice day and be happy!


February 18, 2006 4:43 PM  

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